Судя по внешнему виду эти BD4 как герконы ставятся под рельсы, тогда они точечные и их надо по 2 на участок, вначале и в конце . А может и нет: "RX4 в 4 зоне транспондера детектора для использования с системами Digitrax размещение обнаружения.RX4
позволяет не только видеть то, что блоки заняты, но также определяет, что есть." ( перевод гугл).Вот, кто с английским на ты, можете что-нибудь прояснить RX4 Installation
First time RX4 users may want to set up the test transponder described in Section 8.6 before beginning the first RX4 installation.
1. Plug the connector on the end of the ribbon cable connecting the four
RX1 sensors that make up the RX4 into the AUX2 socket on the BDL16/BDL162. Do not use the AUX1 socket for this connection. The black stripe on the cable should be plugged in towards the board edge connector side of the BDL16 board.
2. For each transponding zone you want to set up,
a. Pass the zone common wire from the DCC booster's Rail A (or
B) terminal through the center hole of an RX1 from the "non-
text" side and exit from the "text" side of the RX1 sensor
b. Loosely twist the zone common wire together as you route it
away from the RX1. Be sure you route the zone common wires
at least 2" away from all other RX1's.
c. Connect the zone common wire to the appropriate pin on the
BDL16/BDL168's board edge connector.6.1 RX1 Sensitivity
RX1 sensors are extremely sensitive to current, for best results:
1. The zone common wires that pass through each RX1 should be kept
at least 2 inches from any other RX1 sensors.
2. Form these high current leads in a bundle away from the mounted
3. The ribbon cables on the RX4 can pass close to the RX1's with no
4. Transponding related option switches on the BDL16/BDL162 should
be set up. The factory setting for LocoNet Railsync polarity for a cable connecting the BDL16/BDL162 to a DCS100 or DB150 is such that the default board polarity of the BDL16/BDL162 is correct with the factory defaults. Option Switch 3 can be used to swap the board Railsync polarity
5. The presence of any active transponder in a transponding zone will
cause that related zone power indicator LED to blink. When there is no transponder in a transponding zone, the LED will be on steady. It is useful to make up four of the 5 LED test cables as detailed in the BDL16/BDL162 Manual. These will let you see the occupancy status of each of the 16 detection sections and also show zone power and transponding status, for simplified debug. Transponder capable software, a LocoNet message monitor and other transponder capable LocoNet devices can display the unique transponder messages, con-firm those messages and use those messages to automate tasks on
Отредактировано will (2013-03-20 18:11:53)