Автор Тема: Моя Америка вчера, сегодня и завтра (коллекция)...  (Прочитано 3283 раз)

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Оффлайн REALNet

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  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Наконец то можно что-то показать и рассказать. Начну потихоньку выкладывать что есть и что может быть будет... На сегодня для макета собрал более 1200 вагонов и 246 локов. В процессе видимо буду избавляться от части в силу многих причин, например не нравится (не важно ценный вагон или лок и т.д..., я же для себя это делаю...). Средний грузовой состав на моем макете 35 вагонов + пара локов. Зависит конечно от самих вагонов, длины в основном. По пассажирам 14 вагонов + 4 секции ABBA или аналоги по длине.

Уже точно решил максимально использовать вагоны MTL weather (состаренные/граффити). Мне нравится. Качество состаривания выше всяких похвал. В руки берешь и ощущение что он реально в ржавчине, шершавый такой, короче супер. Т.к. у меня нет градации на эпохи, я собираю все что нравится. Не важно правильно, не правильно, главное чтобы глаз радовало.

Начну с хопров...

MTL Micro-Trains 99305300 43' Open Hopper Rock Train, Western Railroad Co. WEATHERED - Набор из 4 вагонов.
Качество и реальность состаривания выше всяких желаемых предположений... В силу отсутствия структур на макете для данных вагонов на начальном этапе не хотел оставлять, но когда подержал в руках, все сомнения развеялись. Дополнительно данные вагоны сделаны с оригинала, что в принципе увеличивает их коллекционную ценность. Очень достойный экземпляр для коллекции...

Western Railroad Company (WRRC) управляет новой линией железной дороги, проходящей от соединения с UP в Dittlinger, TX до Stonetown, TX (3,9 миль).
Грузы - дробленый камень и другие агрегаты и цемент.

Оффлайн REALNet

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  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
MTL Micro-Trains 99305290 3-Bay Covered Hopper WEATHERED/Graffiti ACFX.

ACF Covered Hopper с удлиненными люками. Построенный в 1978 году American Car & Foundry, Бункеры для перевозки зерна вместимость 4650 куб. BN Был создан в 1970 году в результате слияния четырех основных железных дорог - Great Northern, Northern Pacific, Spokane, Portland and Seattle and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy. Данные хопры сделаны на основании прототипа и используются в настоящее время.

« Последнее редактирование: 05 Июня 2017, 19:11:52 от REALNet »

Оффлайн REALNet

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  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
MTL Micro-Trains 99305280 3-Bay Covered Hopper WEATHERED/Graffiti GOLDEN WEST SERVICE

GWS - создана и использовала заемные деньги для «покупки» автомобилей, их ремонта и сдачи их в аренду. В конечном итоге это в основном передача богатства от железной дороги к инвесторам, но в краткосрочной перспективе это помогло железной дороге обеспечить оборотным капиталом. UP завершила всю сделку, как только это было возможно, и именно поэтому все возвращается к первоначальной собственности.

« Последнее редактирование: 06 Июня 2017, 12:24:45 от REALNet »

Оффлайн Knallfrosch

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Удивительно, но их везеринг действительно не выглядит как заводской. Очень натурально и с душой сделано.

Оффлайн Беглец

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  • Репутация: +18/-13
  • Откуда: Петербург
Сергей, два вопроса:
1 - Будут ли среди вагонов на продажу Spine Car от BLMA?
2 - Можно фото, а лучше видео макета? Интересно посмотреть.
NS - One line, infinite possibilities.

Оффлайн REALNet

  • Старожил
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  • Сообщений: 388
  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Сергей, два вопроса:
1 - Будут ли среди вагонов на продажу Spine Car от BLMA?
2 - Можно фото, а лучше видео макета? Интересно посмотреть.

По Spine ответил в личку, фотки что то не грузятся :( Чуть позже...

Оффлайн REALNet

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  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Еще представители великолепия исполнения... Набор открытых хопров...

MTL Micro-Trains 99305270 100-Ton 3-Bay Hopper with Rib Sides w/Load, WEATHERED/Graffiti PW

... и добавил:
Набор Санта ФЕ, вроде ничего оригинального, но смотрится шикарно, особенно в составе...

MTL Micro-Trains 99305080 100-Ton 3-Bay Hopper w/Load, WEATHERED/Graffiti SANTA FE

Оффлайн REALNet

  • Старожил
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  • Сообщений: 388
  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Обалденная пара!

MTL Micro-Trains 09444410 3-Bay Covered Hopper WEATHERED/Graffiti CNW #180142

« Последнее редактирование: 06 Июня 2017, 12:24:00 от REALNet »

Оффлайн REALNet

  • Старожил
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  • Сообщений: 388
  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Немного автовозов...

Историческое происхождение BN начинается в первые дни с железнодорожных перевозок фрахтования в 1848 году в Чикаго и Аврора железной дороги, прямой предок линии Чикаго, Берлингтон и Куинси железной дороги, придающей Burlington к именам различных наследников.

Burlington Northern Railroad (марка BN) начал свое существование 2 марта 1970, после слияния четырех крупных железных дорог - Great Northern Railway, Northern Pacific Railway, Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad - а также несколько небольших дочерние принадлежащие четырем.

Burlington Northern приобрела Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway 31 декабря 1996 года, чтобы сформировать Burlington Northern и Santa Fe Railway (позже переименован BNSF Railway), который принадлежал Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation.

Данные вагоны эксплуатировались в период с 1970 по настоящие дни...

MTL Micro-Trains Line 11144030 89' Tri-Level Closed Auto Rack/Carrier WEATHERED/Graffiti Burlington Northern

... и добавил:
ТТХ Компания (ранее Trailer Train) является ведущим поставщиком железнодорожных вагонов и связанных с ними услуг по управлению грузовых автомобилей в Северной Америке. Объем ТТХ вагонов (более 220 тысяч) идеально подходит для поддержки грузоотправителей в интермодальной, автомобильной, бумажной и лесной, металлургической, машиностроительной, энергии ветра и других рынках.

Принадлежат ведущие железными дороги в Северной Америке, ТТЕ в обгонных бассейнах обеспечивают взаимозаменяемые активы , которые сводят к минимуму общих объема пустых миль, дальнейшее снижение издержек и минимизации риски для отрасли, помогая железные дороги сохранить свой капитал для других важных инфраструктурных потребностей. Клиенты легко распознать яркие желтые автомобили ТТХ как последовательный, высокого качество, благоустроенного флот, который обслуживает много транспортных потребностей.

MTL Micro-Trains 11144023 89' Tri-Level Closed Auto Rack/Carrier WEATHERED/Graffiti TTX #710767

Оффлайн Беглец

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  • Репутация: +18/-13
  • Откуда: Петербург
Что-то похожее про TTX я недавно читал на их сайте, видимо информация от туда.
Сочлененные автовозы тоже интересные.
NS - One line, infinite possibilities.

Оффлайн REALNet

  • Старожил
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  • Сообщений: 388
  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Что-то похожее про TTX я недавно читал на их сайте, видимо информация от туда.
Сочлененные автовозы тоже интересные.

Раз зашла речь о парниках, вот один их представителей. К сожалению ATLAS не делает их состаренными, но их вообще ни кто больше не делает, так что пользуемся тем что есть...
Смотрятся они очень достойно, особенно в составе, ATLAS в последнее время подтянул с качеством...

Оставил себе пять наборов, думаю достаточно...

ATLAS 40913 Auto Carrier Articulated Union Pacific TTX #880230

... и добавил:

На этих уже колпары поменял на FVM (все колпары резистивные, сопротивление 10K)

Road/Company Information:  The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), formerly also known as CP Rail (reporting mark CP) between 1968 and 1996, is a historic Canadian Class I railroad incorporated in 1881. The railroad is owned by Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (TSX: CP, NYSE: CP), which began operations as legal owner in a corporate restructuring in 2001.

Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, it owns approximately 23,000 kilometres (14,000 mi) of track all across Canada and into the United States, stretching from Montreal to Vancouver, and as far north as Edmonton. Its rail network also serves major cities in the United States, such as Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Detroit, Chicago, and New York City.

The railway was originally built between Eastern Canada and British Columbia between 1881 and 1885 (connecting with Ottawa Valley and Georgian Bay area lines built earlier), fulfilling a promise extended to British Columbia when it entered Confederation in 1871. It was Canada's first transcontinental railway, but currently does not reach the Atlantic coast. Primarily a freight railway, the CPR was for decades the only practical means of long-distance passenger transport in most regions of Canada, and was instrumental in the settlement and development of Western Canada. The CP became one of the largest and most powerful companies in Canada, a position it held as late as 1975. Its primary passenger services were eliminated in 1986, after being assumed by Via Rail Canada in 1978. A beaver was chosen as the railway's logo because it is the national symbol of Canada and was seen as representing the hardworking character of the company.

The company acquired two American lines in 2009: the Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern Railroad and the Iowa, Chicago and Eastern Railroad. The trackage of the ICE was at one time part of CP subsidiary Soo Line and predecessor line The Milwaukee Road. The combined DME/ICE system spanned North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Iowa, as well as two short stretches into two other states, which included a line to Kansas City, Missouri, and a line to Chicago, Illinois, and regulatory approval to build a line into the Powder River Basin of Wyoming. It is publicly traded on both the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker CP. Its U.S. headquarters are in Minneapolis.

After close of markets on November 17, 2015, CP announced an offer to purchase all outstanding shares of Norfolk Southern Railway, at a price in excess of the US$26 billion capitalization of the United States-based railway. If completed, this merger of the second and fourth oldest Class I railroads in North America would have formed the largest single railway company on that continent, reaching from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast to the Gulf Coast. The merger effort was abandoned by Canadian Pacific on April 11, 2016, after three offers were rejected by the Norfolk Southern board.

MTL Micro-Trains 09444092 3-Bay Covered Hopper WEATHERED/Graffiti Soo Line/CP Rail

Оффлайн REALNet

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  • Сообщений: 388
  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Данный вагон не особо впечатлил, но граффити заставила оставить себе для коллекции...

MTL Micro-Trains 09444420 3-Bay Covered Hopper WEATHERED/Graffiti BNSF ("99 Problems") #404059

Очень достойный вагон, приятно в руках держать...

Road/Company Information:  ACF Industries LLC originally known as The American Car and Foundry Company and was formed in 1899. In 1955 ACF Industries, Incorporated became the new name for The American Car and Foundry. Over the years railcar manufacturing and leasing were the major forces in ACF's economic growth and stability. ACF has weathered many changes and is still committed to the manufacture of new railcar and railcar parts and sub-assemblies. ACF Industries LLC became a successor to ACF Industries, Incorporated on May 1, 2003.

ACF Industries LLC is a leader in the manufacture and fabrication of specialty railcar parts and miscellaneous steel products. While the Company's primary purpose is to compliment the new car and repair car market, it also provides manufacturing support to other manufacturers of steel products.

ACF Industries LLC is headquartered in St. Charles, Missouri and our manufacturing facility is located in Milton, Pennsylvania.

MTL Micro-Trains 09644470 3-Bay Covered Hopper WEATHERED/Graffiti w/Elongated Hatches, ACFX #47487

Серия шикарных вагонов (хопров)...

Road/Company Information:  The St. Louis - San Francisco Railway (reporting mark SLSF), also known as the Frisco, was a railroad that operated in the Midwest and South Central U.S. from 1876 to April 17, 1980. At the end of 1970 it operated 4,547 miles (7,318 km) of road on 6,574 miles (10,580 km) miles of track, not including subsidiaries Quanah, Acme and Pacific Railway or the Alabama, Tennessee and Northern Railroad; that year it reported 12,795 million ton-miles of revenue freight and no passengers. It was purchased and absorbed into the Burlington Northern Railroad in 1980.

The St. Louis - San Francisco Railway was incorporated in Missouri on September 7, 1876. It was formed from the Missouri Division and Central Division of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. This land grant line was one of two railroads (the other being the M-K-T) authorized to build across Indian Territory. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, ATSF, interested in the A & P right of way across the Mojave Desert to California, took the road over until the larger road went bankrupt in 1893; the receivers retained the western right of way but divested the ATSF of the St. Louis-San Francisco mileage on the great plains. After bankruptcy the Frisco emerged as the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad, incorporated on June 29, 1896, which also went bankrupt. On August 24, 1916 the company was reorganized as the St. Louis - San Francisco Railway, though the line never went west of Texas, being more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) from San Francisco.

MTL Micro-Trains 09644110 3-Bay Hopper WEATHERED/Graffiti FRISCO

Оффлайн wsn01

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  • Откуда: Москва
  • Имя: Владимир
Удивительно, но их везеринг действительно не выглядит как заводской. Очень натурально и с душой сделано.

Насколько я помню, старение вагонов для США и Канады делается в Польше специальными бригадами вручную.

Оффлайн REALNet

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  • Сообщений: 388
  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
MTL выпускает серию NASA, все вагоны великолепного исполнения, а главное ценник на них почему то ниже аналогов...

Один из экземпляров данной серии...

Road/Company Information:  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower established NASA in 1958 with a distinctly civilian (rather than military) orientation encouraging peaceful applications in space science. The National Aeronautics and Space Act was passed on July 29, 1958, disestablishing NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The new agency became operational on October 1, 1958.

Since that time, most US space exploration efforts have been led by NASA, including the Apollo moon-landing missions, the Skylab space station, and later the Space Shuttle. Currently, NASA is supporting the International Space Station and is overseeing the development of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, the Space Launch System and Commercial Crew vehicles. The agency is also responsible for the Launch Services Program (LSP) which provides oversight of launch operations and countdown management for unmanned NASA launches.

This 56' general service tank car is black with white lettering and runs on Barber Roller Bearing trucks. Built in 1970 and transferred to NASA from the Department of Defense in August 1987, this tank car was used to store water in support of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters up until the last shuttle flight in 2011.

MTL Micro-Trains 11000260 56' General Service Tank Car, NASA Series Car #4

Оффлайн REALNet

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  • Сообщений: 388
  • Репутация: +25/-0
  • Откуда: Челябинск
  • Имя: Сергей
Очень мне понравились эти вагончики...

Road/Company Information: CSX Transportation (reporting mark CSXT) is a Class I railroad in the United States. The main subsidiary of the CSX Corporation, the railroad is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and owns about 21,000 route miles (34,000 km). CSX operates one of the three Class I railroads serving most of the East Coast, the other two being the Norfolk Southern Railway (NS) and Canadian Pacific Railway. It also serves the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Together CSX and Norfolk Southern Railway have a duopoly over all east-west freight rail traffic east of the Mississippi River. As of October 1, 2014 CSX's total public stock value was slightly over $32 billion.

CSX Transportation was formed on July 1, 1986, by combining the Chessie System and Seaboard System Railroad. The originator of the Seaboard System was the former Seaboard Air Line Railroad, which previously merged Atlantic Coast Line Railroad in 1967, and later Louisville & Nashville Railroad, as well as several smaller subsidiaries such as the Clinchfield Railroad, Atlanta & West Point Railroad, Monon Railroad and the Georgia Railroad. The origin of the Chessie System was the former Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, which had merged with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and Western Maryland Railroad.

Prototype Information: This is FMC's entry into the Plate B IPD (Incentive Per Diem) box car era. The design was intended to be the 'most universal', interchangeable on most common railroad clearances. The cars were available with and without end-of-car cushioning, and were offered in several door configurations.

Over 4,300 cars were produced from 1975-1979 by FMC's Portland, Oregon plant. The cars were delivered in numerous colorful shortline paint schemes, as well as the nationwide car pool fleet of Railbox. Many secondhand cars were later seen in Class 1 railroads and large leasing company fleets under additional shortline reporting marks.

MTL Micro-Trains 02544550 50' Rib Side Box Car Single Door WEATHERED/Graffiti, CSX, #141705

Road/Company Information:  RailBox Company (reporting marks ABOX, RBOX, TBOX, FBOX), founded in 1974, was created to address a boxcar shortage in the United States in the 1970s.

The concept behind RailBox, as evidenced by their slogan "Next Load, Any Road!" was that since Railbox was owned by many of the railroads as a privately owned cooperative, their boxcars were not subject to load/empty rules. Railbox cars could be assigned for service anywhere in Canada, Mexico and the United States on lines where an AAR Plate-C loading gauge is permitted. Railbox purchased boxcars from many Manufacturers including American Car and Foundry (ACF), Farmers Machinery Company (FMC), and Pullman-Standard (P-S).

Under the ICC car routing rules in effect at the time, cars owned by operating companies were supposed to be routed back to their owning road as soon as possible or the host road would have to pay demurrage(car storage and handling) charges. This was the cause a shortage of available cars and not an actual shortage of boxcars numerically. As empty cars were required to be routed back to their home railroad instead of being loaded and routed to another destination.

RailBox cars are all boxcars and are painted yellow with black doors. RailBox cars had a bold graphic side logo, which was a stylized X made of red and blue intertwined arrows to symbolize free flow. During the 1970s many railroads had old fleets of railcars. Due to the poor financial state of many railroads these cars were dirty and grimy. Railbox cars stood out with their bright yellow paint and large logos. The company's car reporting marks, as noted above, ended in the letter "X". Under FRA designation reporting marks ending in "X" are assigned to private owner cars.

As of 2015, many RailBox cars are still in service. The rise of intermodal containerized freight (which began in the late 1980s and early 1990s) has reduced the demand for full carload boxcar service. Also deregulation in the 1980s eliminated the legacy car routing rules, reaching its peak with the elimination of the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1995.

RailBox (and the similar Railgon Company) are currently subsidiaries of TTX Company.

MTL Micro-Trains 02544010 50' Rib Side Box Car ICHABOD RAILBOX WEATHERED/Graffiti #33847